Love this Lady Gaga quote. It is so true. We can all find peace deep within our hearts even if everything all around you may seem to spin and to be out of whack. Focus on your breathing, close your eyes and remind yourself that you are not alone. The universe supports our every move and will take away your fears if you allow it to. Being calm and present will allow you to express yourself to the max and cause miraculous shifts to the surrounding environment. All your fear can be just a figure of your imagination and you can be in control of your thoughts. Choose peace and choose love.
Also accept gratitude into your life on a daily level. Wake up each morning and state one thing you are thankful for. By being grateful we can focus on the positive areas in our lives and use it as motivation to go on with the day.
I am grateful for you reading this blog and allowing me to share my perspective with you. Have a beautiful and peaceful day. XoXo