Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Post Christmas Blues

I hope everyone had a beautiful and blessed Christmas. The celebrations for us started Saturday at my husband's aunt's house. His whole family will get together and visit each house on a different day.

                               (The Peppermint Brownie Trifle I made from Dashing Dish, came out sooo good)

Sunday my cousin had her own Portuguese "visita." It was great being with my cousins and passing down the tradition from our families into our own homes. My cousin made us a wonderful dinner and then I showed off a few P57 moves as shown below. Thigh dancing always gets everyone in a jolly mood!

Christmas Eve, I started off with a double workout and then got ready to visit my husband's grandmother and then to open presents at his parent's house. I am so thankful for all the great and thoughtful presents I received this year. Afterwards, we opened up presents at my parent's house and started the annual tradition of going house to house with the entire extended family. In between all the rush we spent time at my in-laws house again with all of Johnny's extended family. All this craziness lasted until 4 in the morning!

           (the elephant Alex and Ani bracelet Johnny gave to me resembling Inspiration, Luck, and Loyalty)

Christmas Day I had to work but was able to enjoy a nice family lunch at my husband's other aunt's house. Work was good but I missed my family tremendously. I had tears in my eyes leaving in my car. I had such a great weekend and didn't want to leave anyone on Christmas. Work was good, no Christmas babies were born on my time but it was a nice peaceful evening. Today I work again and I'm feeling the post Christmas blues really badly. My husband is off today and I would have really loved to spend this day with him to wind down after the holiday. I had no desire to workout today, I'm up to 3 skipped workout days. I plan to get back into it tomorrow with full force. It's alright to enjoy the great Christmas food and desserts and to take a mental break once in awhile as long as you get your motivation back and push yourself harder than ever before.

So I hope everyone was able to have a great holiday weekend just as I did. I'm trying to get out of my funk and get back to my routine. Enjoy the rest of the week and God bless!

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